Wednesday, 29 January 2014

An Aspect of Style in Amelie

One aspect of Amelie which contributes as a large factor in establishing the film’s style, that is communicated to the audience, is the use of colour correction. By altering the colours throughout the film, helps in promoting a positive and happy atmosphere. This can be done through the use of camera filters and digital rendering/editing. Linking to the idea of promoting a positive atmosphere, this is beneficial to France as a nation, portraying Paris in a constant state of beauty and attraction. The colour correction played it’s toll in making Amelie the success that it was, bringing in revenue to the French government from an increase in tourism, with the public wishing to visit and admire the Amelie hotspots.

The use of colour correction can also be seen to act as an accurate reflection on the protagonist’s state of mind, taking a positive, but childlike outlook towards most situations. In some sense, this is used to help reinforce segments of the plot, convey Amelie as a young woman, who has learnt to deal with her isolated and unhappy past. It allows us to relate more with the character, granting the audience with the ability to see how she sees, therefore making it easier when it comes to feeling what she feels. A message that can be taken from the use of this effect, is that our actions are often performed or condoned, on the stance we choose to take in different situations or scenarios.        

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